Sunday, April 29, 2018



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Our children are our biggest resource.  When we grow old, it is our children who will be making choices that will affect us.  Children today seem to be encouraged to grow up fast and childhood is lost through abuse, neglect, selfishness, and ignorance.  The phrase children should be seen and not heard was a phrase that was coined during the Middle Ages.  Some would like to say it comes from the Holy Bible, but that is wrong.  The Holy Bible is very clear about how to raise children, and Jesus spoke to the disciples who tried to keep children away from Him. 

Children are precious to God, and when we become parents, we are being given a blessing and a responsibility to raise a child for God ~ Pastor John Collins, 2017 (paraphrased).

Pastor John Collins, evangelist and head pastor of Love That Cross Ministries and John Collins Ministries, Inc., teaches us that it is our children who need to be given the time and care necessary for them to learn how to behave, how to become responsible, and how to become mature Christians.  We have sure fallen far from raising a generation of children who know God or Jesus Christ.  

Unfortunately, like so much in this world, children can be as much as something to throw away or ignore as a used tissue.  When David Wilkerson went into the streets to work with gangs and drug addicts in New York City, he also discovered a lost generation-these are the children of the addicts that were left alone while parents went out in search of a fix, and often they were left alone for long periods of time.  Those children didn’t smile or play as children are supposed to do as part of growth and development.  They were left alone in ghetto apartments with boxes of cereal or crackers (if there was any food at all).  These children were quiet because to make noise would draw abuse.  They were neither seen nor heard.  They were not called children; Reverend Wilkerson called them little people because they never experienced childhood.  They were little people, neither adults nor children.

 “We have got to grow up and get right with God. Parents need to parent. We have to be able to see that selfish pleasures and needs in our own lives do not serve our children well. There is too much partying and romance that keeps parents from their children. People don’t want to hear that faith is the answer but that is the truth. The solution to every problem lies in the hands of Jesus. The change that comes from believing and trusting in God is truly miraculous. The hope that comes from the Cross is eternal.” Pastor John Collins, February, 2018.

Pastor John Collins has been involved with revival of faith and hope for several years since launching a series in Wyoming.  Pastor Collins has traveled across the country, redeeming the Gospel and preaching salvation from his heart with passion.  As an evangelist, Pastor John Collins is determined to bring as many people back to God as possible, but first we need to hear the truth of the Gospel, not the watered down versions that have become the general template for most pastors on the pulpit, whether in the public eye through media or a local community style church.  This is what Pastor John Collins means by redeeming the Gospel.  Old style tent revival preaching is the trademark of Pastor John Collins, preached with humility and reverence for God and Jesus Christ. 

Pastor John Collins writes:

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV).

Our way of life has got to change. What happens when kids have kids? What happens when the “parents” put their social lives and partying ahead of their own children? What happens when a parent’s love life takes precedence over spending time with their kids? What happens when a child’s right of passage to maturity is their first beer, their first drag of a cigarette, their first joint, their first line and their first sexual encounter?

Too many parents are clinging to youth by partying and dressing to impress. Too many parents are living lives that are teaching the young that social interactions are at the top of the priority list. Too many parents are going out and cutting loose because they feel that they have lost so many of their “good years” to raising children. What example are we setting for the children we are meant to care for when we put ourselves first?

Raising children is a big responsibility and it is a challenge to remain selfless. It is not always fun to act like the adult. When you have kids at a young age and those children get to a rebellious stage it is not always easy to handle the problems that arise with maturity and confidence. There has got to be a point when parents make a conscious choice to parent.

Parenting is the most important job that a person can have. A parent is responsible for teaching their children how to be respectable people, how to behave appropriately, how to prioritize correctly, how to deal with confrontations and challenges that come with life and most importantly how to get to heaven. If you do not teach your child how to enter the kingdom of God, you have failed. If you do not live a life that exemplifies those lessons, you have failed. If we don’t make it home, we have failed.

We have got to grow up and get right with God. Parents need to parent. We have to be able to see that selfish pleasures and needs in our own lives do not serve our children well. There is too much partying and romance that keeps parents from their children. People don’t want to hear that faith is the answer but that is the truth. The solution to every problem lies in the hands of Jesus. The change that comes from believing and trusting in God is truly miraculous. The hope that comes from the Cross is eternal.

Be willing to be selfless. Be willing to change your ways and become a beacon of hope for your families. Children are a joy and such a gift. Let us learn to parent with the love of God and Jesus in our hearts and the devotion and commitment that our children deserve.

“Then they also brought infants to Him that He might touch them; but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to Him and said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.’” Luke 18:15-17 (NKJV).

Love That Cross, Pastor John Collins

Parents need to be parents.  Parenting is a choice to become selfless, not selfish, so that children can grow and become the generation of Christians that will be caring for aging generations to come.

Pastor John Collins broadcasts Sunday mornings at 1000 a.m. Mountain Time on Heaven’s Country Radio with Marty Smith at Pastor John Collins’ broadcasts are always on target relating to the issues that we are facing right now and he preaches it the way we need to hear it. Pastor John Collins has other recordings, media, interviews, radio programs, blogs, sermons, and YouTube clips that can be accessed by clicking on the links found within this blog.  If you would like to reach Pastor John Collins, he can be contacted through his personal email at   Pastor John Collins is truly in it to win it for God. Believe that.

Friday, April 27, 2018



from Google images

What does it take to make a marriage last? “About 40% to 50% of married couples in the United States divorce, according to the American Psychological Association. The divorce rate among those who remarry is even higher” (Harrington and Buckingham, 24/7 Wall Street, Feb. 2, 2018). 

Commitment to a partner is meant to be something special that God created for us, but our society and our lack of faith and the change in values of the course of decades has made marriage in the United States a statistic of 50-50% chance of lasting a lifetime.  Sins of the heart that the apostle Paul speaks of destroy marriages.  On top of that, long term relationships are developed without the commitment of marriage-living together is just as common as marriage when four generations ago, this would not even have been considered.  Our lack of faith in God and our denial of His word have turned us into a society of broken relationships, broken hearts, and broken families.  What makes a marriage last?  It takes faith and God understanding, commitment and teamwork according to Pastor John Collins, evangelist.

Pastor John Collins has given several sermons on the relationships between men and women as it is supposed to be, referring to living our lives as it says in the Holy Bible.  The Bible is a blue print for everything in life, and Pastor John Collins encourages us to get back into the Bible, to read it not just for a verse, but to read it and ask for guidance to understand what it says.  God reveals the truth of the scriptures as we need it, all we have to do is ask, says Pastor Collins.

“Love and marriage are meant to be a commitment. You are supposed to be a team and you are meant to work together through the bad and the good. Too often long term goals and world viewpoints are not discussed before any commitment takes place, with or without any marriage license. When a couple chooses to take on life together, they need to make the effort to stay resolute in their fidelity to each other and to find the character within themselves to see it through. Marriage is more than lust and passion is not a reason for marriage, for without the faith to see it through, to be on your spouse’s team against all odds, you will find your marriage failing and you will find yourself divorced.” (Pastor John Collins, March 2018).

Pastor John Collins is an evangelist and the head pastor of Love That Cross Ministries and John Collins Ministries.  For the past decade, Pastor John Collins has been traveling across the United States spreading revival of faith and hope and redeeming the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Pastor John Collins is an enthusiastic speaker.  Pastor Collins’ presentation of the Holy Bible and what it represents tells it and teaches it as it was done over 2000 years ago.  Pastor John Collins openly admits that he loves God and he style is like old time tent revival style preaching.  What Pastor Collins preaches on any Sunday reaches every emotion, and keeps you thinking about it Monday through Sunday. 

Pastor John Collins writes:

“But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh, so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.’” Mark 10: 6-8 (NKJV).

Divorces are now the norm and multiple marriages with blended families are finding their way through the complications of upheaval. Commitment from the very beginning and the willingness to see it through to the end in relationships is definitely on the decline. What makes people want to end marriages and begin again? Many times, lust is mistaken for love and allows people to justify changing spouses and too often these changes come without the benefits of marriage to begin with. Too many marriages are based on lust and not on love. People want to be romanced and to have their lives filled with heightened passion that is full of excitement and delight. Too many times adultery is the result of seeking this excitement and too often a spouse is discarded because someone fell out of love.

Love and marriage are meant to be a commitment. You are supposed to be a team and you are meant to work together through the bad and the good. Too often long term goals and world viewpoints are not discussed before any commitment takes place, with or without any marriage license. When a couple chooses to take on life together, they need to make the effort to stay resolute in their fidelity to each other and to find the character within themselves to see it through. Marriage is more than lust and passion is not a reason for marriage, for without the faith to see it through, to be on your spouse’s team against all odds, you will find your marriage failing and you will find yourself divorced. Any passion that is stolen with another or any relationship that is created to avoid the obligations of home are going to leave a thirst inside of you and is indeed sin that will taint your soul. Faith and honor matter and marriage matters to God, for He gave it as a gift to you. It takes courage to stay committed and to stay faithful in this fallen and wanton world that we live in, but in the end it is worth it.

Do not let your flesh determine your steadfastness because the heart is desperately wicked and will deceive you into thinking that love is guiding you, when it is not. Choose a partner that is faithful, willing to go the extra mile and is committed to living as your teammate. If you find that your marriage is struggling then do a heart-check and find a way, through prayer and the word of God, to see what is motivating any distance between you and your spouse. A marriage takes work and a marriage is more than passion, romance and excitement. Your spouse is meant to be your biggest helpmate and together you are meant to stand strong against an evil world.

“Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Mark 10:9 (NKJV).


Self-examination of your relationship is necessary to make it last.  In all things, turn to God to guide you.

Pastor John Collins can be heard Sunday mornings at 1000 a.m. on Heaven’s Country radio with Marty Smith, through live streaming at Pastor John Collins is very charismatic and does not expect you to open a Bible to a specific verse and read along with him.  He preaches with enthusiasm and vigor, and looks to make listens think and feel the word of God.  Other recordings, interviews, media, YouTube, radio broadcasts and blogs related to Pastor John Collins can be accessed by clicking on the links within the post.  If you wish to speak to Pastor John Collins for prayer, ministering, or to arrange for guest speaking or preaching, you can reach Pastor Collins at  Absolutely hands down, Pastor John Collins is in it to win it for God.  Believe that.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018



from Google images

The best day I ever spent was in continued prayer.  It left my spirit lighter, I felt like there was accomplishment in an otherwise lackluster kind of day, and it just felt plain good.  Prayer isn’t about asking for yourself, it is part of what Jesus taught to care about others….prayer for others is what we should be doing because we should do for others what we want done for us.  There simply isn’t enough prayer, and God does want to hear from us, from our heart.  It is a relationship that those who were found to be righteous in the eyes of God had:   Abraham, Job, Enoch, Elijah, Mary, Esther, Daniel, Moses and others….all of these individuals are recorded as having a full relationship with God through prayer that pleased God. 

Evil in this world is because of our free will, Pastor John Collins reminds us, just as Jesus taught during His ministry.  God gave us free will, as a good Father, He allows us to make our own choices in our lives.  He cares that much about us to allow us to choose instead of being robot-like creatures.  Evil is a product of individuals being selfish, self-serving, desiring power and recognition (Pastor John Collins, January, 2018).

“If God is so powerful, why does He allow bad things to happen? That is always a question for those who would deny that there is a God and would claim that if there was a God at all then He must not care about us and must not be all good as those who believe in His say. God gave men free will to live and choose to behave as they would have it and for that reason there will always be evil in this world. Evil is just selfish desires and power grabs manifested in this world.” Pastor John Collins, January 2018.

Pastor John Collins is an evangelist and the head pastor of Love That Cross Ministries and John Collins Ministries.  Pastor John Collins has been involved with revival of faith and hope for several years since launching a series in Wyoming.  Pastor Collins has traveled across the country, redeeming the Gospel and preaching salvation from his heart with passion.  As an evangelist, Pastor John Collins is determined to bring as many people back to God as possible, but first we need to hear the truth of the Gospel, not the watered down versions that have become the general template for most pastors on the pulpit, whether in the public eye through media or a local community style church.  Old style tent revival preaching is the trademark of Pastor John Collins, preached with humility and reverence for God and Jesus Christ. 

Pastor John Collins writes:

“And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” John 3:19-21 (NKJV).

There is true evil in this world. We can look around and see it. Many people would like to ignore it, not be bothered by it, not have it touch their lives and just go about their business. Sometimes evil intrudes and we are shocked, hurt and want to question if there is a God at all. If God is so powerful, why does He allow bad things to happen? That is always a question for those who would deny that there is a God and would claim that if there was a God at all then He must not care about us and must not be all good as those who believe in His say. God gave men free will to live and choose to behave as they would have it and for that reason there will always be evil in this world. Evil is just selfish desires and power grabs manifested in this world. Evil is those choosing to lash out at others because of their own hurt. Evil is defiance and rebellion acted out in order to lift oneself up. Evil is petty and there will come a time when God chooses to step in and bring about further revelation to this world.

Some wait for God to act and some want to ignore the signs but while there is still yet time we should be praying for more light to shine in the darkness. Prayer is a powerful thing and God wants to hear from us, not just about our lives, our desires, our sicknesses and needs, our family and friends but about our hopes and thoughts regarding this world. Do you consider praying about those who suffer, the abused men, women and children? Do you pray for the weak? Do you pray that those who protect us are themselves protected? Do you pray that righteousness would make its way into the government? Do you pray that foreign nations would be strengthened in food and health to limit the depletion of your own country? Do you pray that revelation would come from God that would minimize the desire to blow each other up? There are people whose only desire is for more power, more money, more weapons and the opportunity to display it all for the world to see. There is evil in this world because some only care about themselves and they don’t value life or the gifts that come with it.

What so many have forgotten, failed to realize or choose to ignore is that the only true power in this world comes from God alone and all of the rest is an illusion. God is the one who has all of the strength and He really does want us to make the best choices available to us and sometimes people just don’t know what that is. Changing things in this world can start with hope and prayer. Change does need to come, more light needs to permeate the dark and more people need to wake up to the reality that things are changing and we need to change as well. We need more righteousness in this world, not more rebellion. Pray for that.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (NKJV).

Love That Cross, Pastor John Collins

Prayer is powerful.  It changes lives. You can believe that.

Pastor John Collins broadcasts Sunday mornings at 1000 a.m. Mountain Time on Heaven’s Country Radio with Marty Smith at Pastor John Collins’ broadcasts are always on target relating to the issues that we are facing right now and he preaches it the way we need to hear it. Pastor John Collins has other recordings, media, interviews, radio programs, blogs, sermons, and YouTube clips that can be accessed by clicking on the links found within this blog.  If you would like to reach Pastor John Collins, he can be contacted through his personal email at  

Pastor John Collins is truly in it to win it for God. Believe that.

Thursday, April 19, 2018



from Google images

“Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me?”  If we hear that phrase with a heavy New York accent and a hand gesture by the speaker pointing to himself, we chuckle.  The prophets of old told of tales of horror and pain, and the Hebrews looked at them blankly as if to ask “Are you talking to me?”  Sadly, we are in the same situation now, and it isn’t funny.  The commandments that God wrote for Moses and the Israelites have been padded with the lie that we don’t have to pay attention to them because Jesus replaced them.  Wrong.  Fear and trembling have been padded with shiny promises of wealth and fortune if we give enough money to a prosperity pastor.  Wrong. 

Pastor John Collins is passionately preaching and teaching that our will gets us in trouble, that God wants us to come back to Him and find Jesus again follow the will of God.  We don’t want to look in a mirror and examine why we keep on the blinders and keep doing what pleases us.  We need to let go, and let God and Jesus take over those reins and in pleasing them, we become more, we enjoy more, we are more…more than what we can create alone.

“Most people are fed up with religion and look out into the world and see the effects of what so-called faith has brought about. The deaths and wars, the judgment and exclusion and the riches for the wrong and the poverty for the right. Most people want to move past the need for religion that many see as just an opiate for the masses. Underlying the superficial of religion lies the truth of God and He has commandments that most find antiquated and obsolete.” Pastor John Collins, January 2018.

Pastor John Collins asks when Jesus calls, what are you doing, what are you going to do?  Will you drop everything and turn to Him, or will you keep on doing what pleases you?  Pleasing yourself will earn you judgement that will make you go “oops” one second after you die.  When we answer “yes Lord”, we begin a marvelous journey of regrowth, renewal, and yes-rebirth as crazy as that sounds, for there is no other description that fits.

From rebuilding community churches to spreading a renewal of hope and revival, Pastor John Collins is fighting the fight to bring God back to all who will hear the Word.  Pastor John Collins preaches, speaks and writes with a passion born of faith and obedience to God that leads Him to speak the truth as God meant it to be spoken.  Pastor John Collins is an evangelist and the head pastor of Love That Cross Ministries and John Collins Ministries.  From a not-Christian past to giving his life to serving God and Jesus, Pastor John Collins is reaching out to redeem the Gospel so that people have a genuine understanding of what Jesus taught and preached over 2000 years ago.  The Holy Bible is full of hope, but the truth should never have been glossed over by those who would rather deny that the faults of the men and women who lived as an example for us to follow now existed, or that their trials and tests don’t apply to us today.  King Solomon even pointed out millennia ago that there is nothing new under the sun….and that is the truth.  Pastor John Collins is determined to bring the truth back for the salvation of all who will hear it.

Pastor John Collins writes:

“An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land: The prophets prophesy falsely, And the priests rule by their own power; And My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?” Jeremiah 5:30-31 (NKJV).

One of the most difficult truths for a believer in the truth of God and Jesus Christ to acknowledge is that most people don’t want to be bothered with the commandments of God, with the consequences of rebellion and disobedience or with what may be required of them in order to follow the will of God. Most people don’t want to have to examine their motives, their actions or their feelings about it all. Most people don’t want to hear of hell, judgment or their own peril. People like to live in the bubble of denial because it is comfortable and it allows them to go about their own selfish way.

Most people are fed up with religion and look out into the world and see the effects of what so-called faith has brought about. The deaths and wars, the judgment and exclusion and the riches for the wrong and the poverty for the right. Most people want to move past the need for religion that many see as just an opiate for the masses. Underlying the superficial of religion lies the truth of God and He has commandments that most find antiquated and obsolete. Most people find comfort in the niceties of religion that coat us all in bright and shiny hope but they don’t want to look into the mirror and face the possibility of the need to overhaul their souls. There has always been a passionate determination to avoid the judgment of God by living in the moment and choosing to believe that all is well in your world and somehow, someway God will find a way to fulfill all of the desires of your heart because He wants you to be happy.

Is the truth all doom and gloom? Is the reality all bad and not any good? Is there no hope for joy and pleasure in this life? Is there only burning judgment to look forward to? No. There is love and hope in this life and joy beyond measure but if you allow yourself to live in a bubble of denial and refuse to acknowledge the commandments of God and follow your own will and the pretty promises of others without examining your own heart and making changes according to the standards of God and His requirements for receiving the promises that He has made then you are living in delusion and will find disappointment for your soul when it is too late to do anything about it. If you don’t make it to heaven, you have failed. If you don’t teach your children how to get to heaven and give them a righteous example to follow, you have failed. Be willing to hear the warning and be willing to heed it.

“To whom shall I speak and give warning, That they may hear? Indeed their ear is uncircumcised, And they cannot give heed. Behold, the word of the Lord is a reproach to them; They have no delight in it.” Jeremiah 6:10 (NKJV).


Being Christian doesn’t mean you go to church Sundays or Wednesdays, then go home and keep on acting like you did before, says Pastor John Collins.  Just because you go into a church doesn’t make you Christian, just because you go into the garage doesn’t make you a mechanic.  You have to walk the walk, take the time to stop and reflect upon what you are doing, and honestly ask yourself if what you are doing is pleasing to God.  Use those Ten Commandments and honestly answer have you broken them?  Paul said we all fall short of the glory of God, we all are sinners, and we all need the salvation that Jesus has offered us, every day, for the rest of our lives. It truly is a race to run, using the analogies of Paul the Apostle.  The only way to get through this life with true joy is to find hope in Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness, seek His help and ask His guidance every day, every minute-Pastor John Collins, April 2018.

Pastor John Collins can be heard broadcasting on Sunday mornings at 1000 am Mountain Time on Heaven’s Country Radio with Marty Smith at  Other sermons, interviews, YouTube recordings, media, blogs, and broadcasts can be viewed or heard by clicking on the links found within this blog.  Pastor John Collins takes his faith seriously.  He can also be reached by email at for prayer, ministering or to make arrangements for guest speaking, preaching, or revival for your church or group.  

Pastor John Collins is in it to win it for God. Believe that.

Monday, April 16, 2018



from Google images

Faith in God and Jesus is not now you see it, now you don’t.  We can’t only believe in God and Jesus when things are going bad for us or when we are in the midst of a struggle, then when everything becomes better, forget about God and Jesus Christ.  It doesn’t work that way.  God knows our hearts and whether we are truly people who believe in Him and His Son.  Those of us who do have some kind of faith generally believe in heaven.  We question hell-is hell really here as we live on earth and then when we die, if we have been good, we will go to heaven?  Is hell reality?  The problem is that pastors have been preaching heaven as a given, that all it takes is love, and the fact of hell has been denied.  Folks, to put it bluntly, heaven and hell are very real.  God gave us rules to live by, then He sent His Son Jesus to teach us about those rules and to be an example to live by.  With that being said, the bare truth is that whether we believe in the Holy Bible, God, Jesus, Satan, Heaven or Hell, we all will die a death here on earth, then we will face the judgement of God, which will be righteous because He can be nothing else. 

Pastor John Collins asks “What are we doing while we live this life to get right with God?”

“Everyone wants to talk about how God is love and just ignore the truth that God is wrath as well. Remember that God is complete, God is divine and God is the Creator of all and is without flaws. Judgment happens in a moment and is irreversible and it is forever. Why take any chances with your eternal soul when today allows you call on Jesus and to obey the Lord. Do not be lazy in your faith. Get right with God.” Pastor John Collins (April, 2018).

We cannot take our faith for granted and turn it on and off like a water faucet.  We cannot believe in heaven without hell.  We cannot expect that heaven is a given when the Holy Bible and the writers of the books within it tell us what we need to do in order to gain heaven.  To gain heaven is to be judged worthy by God.  If Jesus Christ came to your house today, would you be embarrassed to let Him in to visit?  What do you have in your life that you think you are hiding from Jesus?  Both God and Jesus can see everything, and if what you are doing would cause you embarrassment before Jesus, then there are things that need to change in your life.  Everything we do in this life is accounted for, whether it is good or it is bad.  We need the salvation of Jesus Christ and faith in Him and in God to find the forgiveness for what bad we have done in order to even have a chance at heaven.

Pastor John Collins, evangelist and head pastor of Love That Cross Ministries and John Collins Ministries is committed to spreading revival of the Gospel.  Pastor John Collins also speaks of redeeming the Gospel of Jesus.  It is so apparent that people are seeking answers to the purpose of life and what happens when we die here, there is a hunger for knowledge of God because as Pastor John Collins puts it, we’ve kicked Him out of our government, our schools, our families and our churches and our souls are searching for the answers.  Pastor John Collins also firmly points out that there are those pastors and ministers who seek to find their fame and fortune at the expense of superstitious beliefs and prosperity doctrine, leading folks down a guaranteed path to hell while these leaders tuck collection plate money away for their own purposes.  Jesus Christ taught us to help the poor, the hungry, the needy, those megachurches that are filled with 20000 members are seeking to help themselves, not the people in the pews.  Pastor John Collins is determined to call a spade a spade and it’s time for preachers who are worth their salt to wake up and do the same or get off the pulpit. 

Pastor John Collins writes:

“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:10 (NKJV).
It is time for a serious reality check for every single person living on earth at this time: You are going to die an earthly death and will have to face the righteous judgment of God. You may think you know what that means, you may not care but let me fill in the blanks for so many….whether you choose to believe in God or not, whether you find God fair or not, whether you agree with God or not, whether you end up dismissing God or not, whether you reject God or not and whether you end up getting as angry at God as you want and as defiant toward God as you want and you can ignore Him, disobey Him and reject His Son but in the end, ALL will come before the judgment seat of Christ and ALL will face the righteous judgment of God, whether you want to or not and whether you believe it or not.

Heaven is NOT a given. Heaven is NOT guaranteed. Heaven is a reward of the salvation that you claim when you choose Jesus and obedience over your worldly life and yourself. People are so selfish and self-involved and so full of self-importance that they just can’t seem to work out their salvation with fear and trembling because they have lost their capacity for reverence and most have never bothered to develop it for God in the first place but have transferred that delight and wonder and awe for the material things of this world and for the prestige that can come with it.

Everyone wants to talk about how God is love and just ignore the truth that God is wrath as well. Remember that God is complete, God is divine and God is the Creator of all and is without flaws. Judgment happens in a moment and is irreversible and it is forever. Why take any chances with your eternal soul when today allows you call on Jesus and to obey the Lord. Do not be lazy in your faith. Get right with God.

“For it is written: ‘As I live, says the Lord, Every knee shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to God.’ So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.” Romans 14:11-12 (NKJV).


It’s time for change, and change is going to come.  So many preach End Times doctrine and fulfillment of prophecy, but here’s the thing, even Jesus Christ said that no one knows the time of the end, not even Jesus Himself, only God.  And it’s been by God’s mercy that this world hasn’t been destroyed from us turning our backs on God.  He hasn’t turned His back on us, says Pastor John Collins.

More of Pastor John Collins can be seen throughout the Internet by clicking on the links embedded in this post.  Pastor John Collins also has a national broadcast that can be heard on Heaven’s Country Radio at on Sunday mornings at 1000 a.m. Mountain Time, with Christian radio award winning broadcast personality of the year Marty Smith.  Pastor John Collins offers the opportunity for guest preaching and speaking, and revival opportunities.  Pastor John Collins can be reached through his personal email, for prayer and ministry as well.  Pastor John Collins is dedicated, as he says it, he is in it to win it for God.

Thursday, April 12, 2018



from Google images

The Holy Bible is pretty clear on the definition of paganism and not worshiping anything or anyone but God.  The first commandment taught to the Hebrews is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our soul, with all our strength.  No compromise.  Everything we’ve got.  Pastor John Collins of Love That Cross Ministries calls out the pagan practices that have been woven into the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of God.  The point of Easter, Resurrection Day, is that Jesus who came to the world as human was sacrificed and crucified, very painfully killed.  The miracle of the story is that He physically died and was resurrected, came back to life, proof that there is life after death.  The proof is that Jesus showed Himself after he died, very much alive, to hundreds and hundreds of people, that is documented in the Holy Bible.  Those hundreds of people suffered and died for that truth, standing boldly in the face of the Romans, even to death, declaring the truth. A lie wouldn’t have lasted three weeks. That proof is the truth of life after death. It is not about the hype and traditions of yet another holiday tied into pagan rituals.

“Jesus is not about bunnies and chocolate, ham and eggs or any paganism and yet it is what this world has chosen to associate with the miracle of the resurrection. Jesus is the proof that God has chosen to forgive the sinners of this world through the sacrifice of His beloved Son. The blood of Jesus was shed and His body was hung on a tree to be wracked with pain until the life left His flesh. Jesus came back to His people to prove that there is indeed life after death, there is a heaven to go home to and there is hope.” Pastor John Collins (April, 2018).

Pastor John Collins continues to bring revival across the United States just as he has been doing for the past decade.  Pastor John Collins is an evangelist and the head pastor of Love That Cross Ministries and John Collins Ministries.  Having seen so many people turn away from the church, God, and Jesus Christ, Pastor John Collins is committed to redeeming the Gospel so that the truth is heard.  Too many pastors preach what “tickles the ears”, meaning a feel good sermon that leaves the listeners feeling good about themselves instead of taking a look at what would please God and making that change in themselves.  Pastor John Collins preaches from the heart, and teaches us that we all have something that we can change, to work toward becoming better Christians; none of us, including Pastor Collins, have reached the perfection of Jesus Christ.  Becoming Christian is a work in progress for every day of our lives until we come face to face with God when we die. 

Pastor John Collins writes:

“But the angel answered and said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.  He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.’” Matthew 28:5-6 (NKJV).

What makes Christianity so special? Jesus! He was crucified and He was resurrected, seen by hundreds of witnesses and left His ministry in the hands of His apostles to take to the masses and tell of the miracle of His death and His rise from that death into life. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus died for the sins of this world and was resurrected from death into life as the proof of the gospel and good news. This is what is celebrated with eggs and chocolate. This is what is celebrated with bunnies and ham. This is what has been confused with pagan rites and heathen practices in the church.

Jesus is not about bunnies and chocolate, ham and eggs or any paganism and yet it is what this world has chosen to associate with the miracle of the resurrection. Jesus is the proof that God has chosen to forgive the sinners of this world through the sacrifice of His beloved Son. The blood of Jesus was shed and His body was hung on a tree to be wracked with pain until the life left His flesh. Jesus came back to His people to prove that there is indeed life after death, there is a heaven to go home to and there is hope.

Christianity is the belief in the sacrifice of our Lord, it is the only way to the Father and it is not open to compromise. To have faith in the Son is to desire the Father and to seek to be obedient. To know who you worship is to trust in God and to know that the only way to achieve salvation is through Jesus. We need to let go of the traditions that do not honor the Son of God and to cling to the cross. It matters. The decorations and origin of the symbolism that is thought to be benign is foolishness indeed. Where traditions begin matters. Many choose to ignore the history of these pagan beliefs and think that the traditions that they have become are irrelevant. I know differently. It does matter because it is just another deception and lie that has been inherited by people who claim to know Christ and claim to love Christ above all. But, ask these believers to give up their traditions, give up the symbols and pagan ideas that represent their ‘holiday’ and see if they are willing. Too often, people cling to what comforts them and brings them joy and toss aside the beginnings with declarations of denial by claiming that, no matter the origin, they are worshiping in spirit and truth through the eggs and bunnies and chocolate and ham.

Christianity and paganism, paganism and Christianity. It is all mixed up. There is a lack of desiring purity in worship and a lack of desiring righteousness in faith. I choose to reject the trappings of this holiday and to honor my King with truth. The resurrection is a day of mourning for this world as too many have taken it for granted and too many have rejected the gift that has been offered. I will mourn for this world and yet give thanks to the humility of the King who obeyed His Father unto death and was resurrected unto life to sit down at the right hand of God.

“Then He said to them, ‘Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things.’” Luke 24:46-48 (NKJV).


Pastor John Collins has many sermons, blogs, interviews, recordings and other media that can be viewed by clicking on the links found within this post.  Pastor John Collins preaches every Sunday at 1000 Mountain Time on Heaven’s Country Radio with Marty Smith and can be heard at  If you would like to speak to Pastor John Collins for prayer, ministering, or questions-not to debate-he can be reached through his personal email at  Pastor John Collins is in it to win it for God.


FROM JOHN COLLINS MINISTRIES: Transcribed with permission from a recent Pastor John Collins Sunday broadcast: “I think we’ve been sa...